zondag 27 juli 2014

Not this but THAT!

My blogs are mostly about the THIS (freebiefun) but let's not forget the THAT's.
Yesterday I visited two events both on ElfClan regions:

Fleure's Enchanted Corner
Fleure Homewood is well known for hosting musical events @ her venue Fleure's Enchanted Corner , Falathrim.
A lot of Inworldz most respected musial artists perform there on a regular base. Fleure's enchanted corner has a solid group of visitors and their number is growing.
I like the friendly and welcoming athmosphere and it's a good opportunity to meet old and new friends.
Yesterday I attended a performance by Ultraviolet Alter.  

 "Her passion vibrates in the movement, rhythm and cadence that touch upon the essence of our human spirit" For me her synthesizer music felt relaxing, deep sounds variated by repeating soundbits.

 Fleure and the surroundings she created (Aurora level) to match the experience of Ultraviolet's sounds.

Sendalonde Theatre
Later that evening I attended a play (on voice) @ Sendalonde's Theatre. A unique experience. Two hilarious and funny shortplays were scheduled. To my regrets I only got to see the first shortplay (Dress rehearsal) because I crashed immense. My own fault.. don't try to put graphics high (for making pics) when there's 50 people around!
Producer: Ladyheart Muirin
Castmembers: Gerrard Winstanley, Ladyheart Muirin, Lion Ewry, Mathilde Vhargon, Rhiannon McKenna,
Rosslyn Guardian, Tadhg Muirin and Winter Wildcat.

 Scene on stage

The public applauded and complimented the cast who did so well. 
Even without a play going on the theatre is worth a visit for the interior's authentic feel.  

I'm looking forward to see the next play!

1 opmerking:

  1. Thank you for posting the photos from Sendalonde, Moontan - unfortuntely I missed the plays this time round! :)
