donderdag 17 juli 2014


A black day for the Netherlands. The unthinkable happened this afternoon. A boeing 777 from Malaysia Airlines that had left Amsteram Airport for Kuala Lumpur, Bali and Lombok crashed on the border of Ucrania and Russia. Strong believe is they were hit by missiles from Ucranian separists.
Confirmed at least 154 Dutch people died and many more from different nationalities*). My thoughts are with their families and friends.
25/7 Update victims:
*) Netherlands 194, Malaysia 43, Australia 27, Indonesia 12, United Kingdom 10, Belgium 4, Germany 3, Fillipines 3, Canada 1, New Sealand 1
The bodies that were found were brought home to the Neherlands where identification has started.
The search for remaining bodies and/or bodyparts still continues.

1 opmerking:

  1. Such a tragedy.... humanity has sunk so low :(
    My thoughts and prays go out to all those innocent lost souls too, Moontan!
