maandag 8 februari 2016

Valentine Two

My Hunt Group is having a Valentine hunt from february 8th - 15th
My Hunt Group on the web:
Startingpoint is @  My Hunt Group Information Centre In this place you can get all information on the participating Merchants and their landmarks and clues.

List of participating Merchants
F & F Creation- Fine Arts
Teal Freenote
Festive Occasion
The Caprioni Style
Melonie Romano
Tat2diva Jules
Market hunt/ You & I
You & I / Shadow Marqules
Jill Studios/ Panda Boo
Teal Etzel
Rosslyn's Guardian
Kayla Tigerfish
Ansara LeGuin
Brooklynz/ Brooklynn Peretz
Star Miszer
Niek Marqules
Girlie Goth/ Skyrah Rose
Belladonna Blanco

I salute you all for the most generous gifts and the time and care you put in!

Anyway here is a small impression of the wonderfull gifts. No fun in revealing what shop/ creator they are from. Do the hunt, follow clues and be surprised :)
And copied from the accompaning note: "While you are hunting a little shopping  will do you good! We have the most creative Sponsors on the IW grid!"

 lick picture to enlarge
 Click picture to enlarge
Click picture to enlarge

Some of the items I wear are not found in the hunt. I'll list them below
Skin - CMC Emma Whisper Gift - Welcome Gifts for new Residents of Inworldz - CMC Creations
Eyes - Avatar -Eye-Aqua -Free Eye collection (Linda Kelly) - Delirium
Hair not free
Shoes are found in the Valentinehunt but they have to be matched with mesh high feet f.i. iFeet

zondag 7 februari 2016

Valentine One

A Valentine special from "Simon's cat"  

I my former blogpost I mentioned Tees You. As I checked the landmark it seemed the december groupgift was replaced by februari groupgift. In time for Valentine Day this cute red - heart dotted mesh minidress in several sizes. So worth to blog an extra today :)

Click to enlarge picture

I used the free photo studio a groupgift from Breezy Builds (by Breezy Reign) to make a picture. The photo studio is packed in a rez box and has build in poses and different lightings and backgrounds to play with. Breezy Builds specializes in quality low cost homes, offices and skyboxes but there is a wide range of (group) gifts available as well. How generous!

Click to enlarge picture
This is the free photostudio on my buildingplatform. Excuse the mess.

Dont forget there are VALENTINE HUNTS going on. I didn't get the chance to check them out yet but I'm sure there will be great catches to find and lotsa fun on the way.

La Belle Vie

Belle of the Ball in this Floral Dress from - La Vie  by Jeanny Loorden.
Definetely a springlook with a flowery very very wide skirt and armcuffs.

Click to enlarge picture

Another gift from La Vie is this cute - ready to party - minidress Sweetness/ Green.
La Vie has a large wall with freebies and groupgifts, you cannot miss it.
I combined the dress with a pink legging I borrowed from a gift from Tees You. This was a decemeber gift, I don't know if it is still out but the shop is definitely worth a visit.
So much fun to mix and match stuff.

Click to enlarge picture

The nice and messy hairdo "Tina Updo Brown" is not free but costs 10 izzies @ Chicadelic (shop will close soon but was still there the last time I visited). 
The skin is a valentine hunt gift from Jill Studios. Find the small valentinebox in Jill Studios mainstore. This skin comes in 3 tones and is named Mika Pink Valentine.
Click to enlarge picture 
Picture 1
Gown - Floral Dress - La Vie 
Picture 2
Mini dress - Sweetness Green - La Vie
Legging -Pink Leggings (part of december groupgift) - Tees You
Hair - Tina Updo Brown (10 Izzies!) - Chicadelic
Skin -  Mika Pink Valentine - Jill Studios

woensdag 3 februari 2016

Lazy Katz

Starting this blog with a lazy song

I got this cute mesh pyjamas from SF design. Imagine a cozy sunday in pyjamas all day long.
As they are a set for guys and dolls I had to use my magic spells to pull out Greebo again.
Don't we make a cute couple? ... Anyway for as long as it lasts?
The mesh heart balloon and valentine giftbox are both groupgifts from Bad Katz, one of my most favorite shops for full perm mesh and sculpts. 

Click to enlarge picture

Time to turn back Greebo to normal. My fluffy kitten needs a nap ;-)